Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Torment in Me

Alone I live in a world of abhorrence and pain
All the torment & agony have driven me insane
Rivers of red blood slowly flow before me
Death, dread, & chaos is all that I can see
As doom-bringer, I stalk this scorched earth
A specter, cursed from the day of his birth
The bloody sun slowly crawls in the pitch-black sky
I cannot stand this wretched existence, O God let me die
I can feel, yes, I can feel the hatred boiling inside
For those because of whom many people I loved died
With the hatred & agony of mine, I shall burn my foes
Who turned my life into hell filling it with sorrows & woes
My rebellious fire will burn the throne & the palace hall
My unstoppable rage will lead my enemies to their downfall
An exile I roam in this world of sadness & gloom
Soon a bloody orchid on my grave will bloom
Shadows from my past keep haunting me
Why they just do not leave me & let me be
Tears of the sun are slowly falling on the ground
My soul is lost & my chilled body never will be found
In my wretched existence, pain is the only thing I feel & what I know
Pain is my everlasting companion that would never release me & let me go
So come & release me from my anguish once & for all
Come I plead and release out my tormented soul
Give me freedom, freedom from this suffering and pain
Now my essence slowly melts away in the drops of the heavenly rain

Good Poem or Bad?

not by me of course

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