Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hello Hello i'm back

I'm back for awhile :)

Ok for my first entry after 1 million years.
This is something interesting i found. Best Book of the Year! Made in Germany!

What is the title of the book ?
Sex BOOK for Children!!! Wohoo!

Happy Chinese New YEAR!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Just wanna intro to of my loyal readers!! The Tellers !!!
They are a pop rock band from Belgium. Just listen.
words can't describe how it captured my heart through their catchy melody.

First video

More by The Tellers

Second video

Second Category by The Tellers

Third video

Memory by The Tellers

Fourth Video

This is funny cause apparently they sang inside a lift
and incase if you are wondering, they are singing
Second Category

My favorite is More it is a very well composed song.
The lead singer sang it like
like he just woke up from sleeping or something
but somehow the song turn out to be very relaxing and yet catchy
you don't find these type of songs anymore,
It is special which is why it made me like it very much.

Well This 4 videos that i just featured should be enough to cheer your day up
like how it did to me :)

If you need more you can go YouTube and search for it they have many more of these type of catchy tunes type of songs
Just got to love it

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Joke Time!!

A teacher asks her class, "If there are five birds sitting on a fence and you shoot one of them, how many will be left?" She calls on little Johnny.

"None, they all fly away with the first gunshot."

The teacher replies, "The correct answer is four, but I like your thinking." Then Little Johnny says, "I have a question for YOU. There are three women sitting on a bench having ice cream. One is delicately licking the sides of the triple scoop of ice cream. The second is gobbling down the top and sucking the cone. The third is biting off the top of the ice cream. Which one is married?"

The teacher, blushing a great deal, replies, "Well I suppose the one that's gobbled down the top and sucked the cone."

"The correct answer is the one with the wedding ring on... but I like your thinking."

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Love is only a feeling

The first flush of youth was upon you when our eyes first met
And I knew that to you and into your life I had to get
I felt light-headed at the touch of this stranger's hand
An assault my defenses systematically fail to withstand

'Cause you came at a time
When the pursuit of one true love in which to fall
Was the be-all and end-all
Love is only a feeling
Drifting away
When I'm in your arms I start believing
It's here to stay.

Oh, the state of elation that this unison of hearts achieved
I had seen, I had touched, I had tasted and I truly believed.

That the light of my life
Would tear a hole right through each cloud that scudded by
Just to beam on you and I

Saturday, April 5, 2008


I saw this video in Jackson's Blog and Friendster.

I personally think it is a very interesting topic on

Religion,The 9-11 and the Federal Reserve Conspiracy.
As you can see it's definitely not for the closed minded person.
It talks about like why Religion is fake with facts and astrological explanation.

Just watch it if you don't read books, its a bit boring but worth your time.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Instructions: Remove 1 question from below and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post.

1. At what age do you wish to marry?
25 above

2. Are you hungry?
Quite for food. I am also hungry for scoring goals..

3. What job are u doing now?

4.Where is the place that you want to go most?
A place that makes me happy
A place that makes my family happy
A place that makes my friends happy
A place that makes the whole world happy.

5.If you have one dream to come true, what would it be?
I wish i will have more then one dream to come true..

LOL Joking.. not so greedy.. (who doesn't want it anyway)

ok.. maybe the power to control time..

or a more realistic one would be

Be a successful person in whatever things i do

6.Do you believe in seeing the rainbow after the rain?
i think so ~_~

7.What are you afraid to lose the most right now?
My Baby :)

8. What cheers you up for the rest of the day?
Spending good times with friends, winning a Football Game
and Most importantly seeing her happy =)

9.If you meet someone you love, would you confess to him/her?
Depends on her characteristic

10.List out three things you are after in your life.
- Being Loved
- Trust
- Fun

11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Funny, Sarcastic and Loves to Laugh.
But it does not matter if she fulfilled it or not.

To me it has no significant( Just a Plus)

12.What type of person do you hate the most?
A person who have my bad points/characteristic : )

13.What would you do if you won a million dollars?

14.What is your ambition?
To someone useful to the community or maybe someone famous

15.What would you wanna be after you're dead?
Be myself LOL!

16. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
Change into a more humble person, too ego at times.

17. what is your favourite color?
Obviously.. Black,White,Red and Silver
If i have to choose 1 it will have to be Black

18.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

Loving your family

19. What's the last thing you think of before you go to sleep?
Hope my Baby is sleeping too.

20. What would you do if tomorrow was the last day of the world?
I would find my baby and hug her till the world ends =) and of course before that i will visit all my friends/family saying that it's been fun knowing everybody.

21. How happy are you with your current life?(instead of removing.. i add an extra question)
Happy but could be better.

Eight ppl that i want to tag is:
1)Joelle Baby
3)Jia hui
4)Boon Hong
6)Cheng Haw
7)Brian (if he reads my blog)

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Ever wonder if someone like a stranger that suddenly just pop up in your life and next become 1 of your best friends in just minutes ?

That just happened to me and now we are together as one lovely couple

I love her so much that i could do anything for her just to make her happy but sometimes i think I'm not sensitive enough to comfort her.

Lately she is being terribly emo and sad, it might not be because of me but I'm sure partly it is. I'm stupid. Seriously i don't know how or what i should do.
instead of just calling her all the time. I think i should attend some relationship courses.

I always ask myself what am I lacking ? awareness ? inventiveness in surprises ? or is it just me ? I've been trying hard to fork out a wonderful time for every single minute just for her.

Easier to say then done it seems that sometime it doesn't work that way,
I for once i don't know why sometime the things i do can become a disappointment to her instead. The only time i feel the happiest moments are is when we are together hugging and cuddling, other then that when it's college stress i don't know how make her distress again.

I'm a reason type of person so i tend to reason with her about why stress came about and that maybe had just made her extra sad, of course she wanted something else. like comforts and not reasons.(thats why i say I'm stupid)

when we are back at our own homes she tend to emo lot more and i couldn't do much about it, maybe she miss me too much or maybe is because of the stress of the college life have gotten into her and there is not really much people she can hug and cry about her stress in college in her home.

I just can't wait till when we can finally 1 day be together every single day and minute that i could just come to her house and comforts her every time. It's gonna be long time till then but i can wait.

A personal note to her:
I hope you gonna be happy every single second baby..
please cheer up! everything will be okay!
I love you =)
and i know you do too!

what she had done for us :)