Sunday, March 23, 2008


Ever wonder if someone like a stranger that suddenly just pop up in your life and next become 1 of your best friends in just minutes ?

That just happened to me and now we are together as one lovely couple

I love her so much that i could do anything for her just to make her happy but sometimes i think I'm not sensitive enough to comfort her.

Lately she is being terribly emo and sad, it might not be because of me but I'm sure partly it is. I'm stupid. Seriously i don't know how or what i should do.
instead of just calling her all the time. I think i should attend some relationship courses.

I always ask myself what am I lacking ? awareness ? inventiveness in surprises ? or is it just me ? I've been trying hard to fork out a wonderful time for every single minute just for her.

Easier to say then done it seems that sometime it doesn't work that way,
I for once i don't know why sometime the things i do can become a disappointment to her instead. The only time i feel the happiest moments are is when we are together hugging and cuddling, other then that when it's college stress i don't know how make her distress again.

I'm a reason type of person so i tend to reason with her about why stress came about and that maybe had just made her extra sad, of course she wanted something else. like comforts and not reasons.(thats why i say I'm stupid)

when we are back at our own homes she tend to emo lot more and i couldn't do much about it, maybe she miss me too much or maybe is because of the stress of the college life have gotten into her and there is not really much people she can hug and cry about her stress in college in her home.

I just can't wait till when we can finally 1 day be together every single day and minute that i could just come to her house and comforts her every time. It's gonna be long time till then but i can wait.

A personal note to her:
I hope you gonna be happy every single second baby..
please cheer up! everything will be okay!
I love you =)
and i know you do too!

what she had done for us :)

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