Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Farewell MR Peter!! eventho i dont know u!

Last Sunday i have attend a Farewell Dinner to Mr Peter.. sorta like a Retirement Dinner for him
Hey but its Not That "Peter" it is Someone else Peter.. lol! ok i will explain what i mean. It may sound kinda strange but i hav actually attend another School's Principle Retirement Dinner. Weird isnt it.. well Im Not Mistaken cause of his Same Name as my Former Principle and i go Attend blindly! Ok!
I Just got invited by friend who apparently his parents cant go for the dinner and he invited me along.. which he use to study at that school and was his former Principle.. u wont reject a Free Luxurious Dinner worth Rm100 Dont u ? :D

It was at Legend Hotel.. great and impresive art work in the lobby lots of statues of ancient artifacts from china and i tought it was suppose to be a 3 star hotel and its BIG! when we reach the hotel! Im stranded with Allen and Jon it was on ground floor it look so weird since they dont really have many staff working and theres like no reception table or anything just to found it out that it was on 8th or izzit 7th floor (cant really remember) when 1 of my friends call me.. Really give the hotel (Zha Dou) >_>

Anyway the food was really live up to its expectation for appetiser we had some squids and mushroom with fishcake then a bowl of Seefood soup!(got SharkFins inside) yummy! Fried Chicken with thai sauce extremely yummy!, A steamed seebass with soya sause very yummy!,Butter prawns more Yummy!not to mention those Icing on the cakes Desserts!! (ok la) lol!

The Performance its Perform by school teachers of the school.. o yeah! i forgot to mention the school name! Ok the name of the school its Wesley Methodist School(wms) its a private school in sentul which i fail to get in and ended up in st John for 11 years! well i would rate those performers(teachers) 8/10 for thier commitment they cant dance well or sing well but they tried! thats the spirit! Msia Boleh! but i will rate overall Performance of 3/10 its quite boring watching "auties" dancing around dont u think ? heh.. no offence to those wms peeps who loves thier teachers.. just voicing out my opinion *.*

We(me and my friends) just have to go out of the ballroom and to have some fresh air from time to time Due to the Boringness its produced!>_> but oh well.. we have some fun taking pictures while waiting for our food to arrive :D

Just me and some of my friends notice we all are wearing Stripes.. and we dont even plan it! everyone was like looking at us like we are gays man..!

Forced to being a Poser since the Dinner is so so boring(excuse) Haha

It was a Fun night cause i meet some of my friends that i havent been in contact for a very long time its great to see them again! i hope to see them again sooner rather then later.
I can say that night was sweet eventhou the performance are boring but we enjoyed ourself!cause we have lots of friends together u never get bored with lots of friends!


Allen said...

wah lan eh ! u even remember what we ate that day in order somemore !

swt... limpeh really impressed with ur work

keep it up

Anonymous said...

heya! wow seems like u enjoy the dinner so much, too bad i can't go =(. Btw good start for a blogger. loL! anywayz why is ur shirt looks the same like allen? just in different colour haha!